Happy almost Halloween and Preptober everyone!

This is one of my FAVORITE times of year. Of course, down here in Louisiana it's still hot as you-know-what which means I don't get to wear cute cardigans and scarves just yet... also, we're still drinking coffee with ice in it currently... Nevertheless, I will not let the disrespectfully hot weather ruin my good mood and writing excitement.
As announced recently on my channel, October is going to be a month of mental preparation for Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) in November around my house. This means preparing for things not from an outlining perspective for drafting book 2 in my YA Fantasy series currently titled 'Songs of Winter', but on preparing myself for the absolute MARATHON that is writing an entire novel in 30 days.
Mainly, I plan to read and review books in my genre, but because my poor little spook-tastic heart can't stand it... I do want to try and limit them to particularly creepy or dark fantasies if at all possible. As well as doing an ARC and beta read that were recently requested (Color me flattered!) and generally just spending time with my family to recharge my mental faculties so that I can navigate first draft plot holes and pesky magnet characters that tend to get in my way.

This is a month of fun for me. You get to dress up, act silly, put on makeup, scare your husband by jumping from around a corner, eat candy to your hearts content, and even go pumpkin picking with your ADORABLE baby boy like I recently did. (Side note: it wasn't really that fun in 100 degree weather... next time i'll pack sunscreen) Here is what I've accomplished so far-
Currently I've finished reading:
- The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
- Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
-House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin Craig
... and have quite a few slated by the end of the month.
But I want to know what YOU have been reading! Give me ALL of your spookiest book recommendations! There are SO many books on my TBR but to be honest... not a lot of them are quite creepy enough for my tastes. I want to make a master list of recommendations and choose one or two to review on my channel by the end of this month! Secondly, email me with your suggestions for fun makeup to wear on video while doing my book reviews (The theatre kid in me is SUPER EXCITED to play with special effects makeup) Also, send me in your pictures of Halloween costumes or costume prep and pieces. Anything creative, fun, handmade, or something you just plain LOVE (Exception: Do NOT send me anything inappropriate... it will be deleted immediately.) for a chance to be featured on my channel during a Halloween Special Video!!!
I am going to stock up on caramel corn, candy, coffee, and pumpkin spiced scented candles for my writing room... what are you doing to prep for Nano? Are you cultivating your pinterest board and playlist?? I have mine linked to my Project on the Nanowrimo website. Look me up and be my buddy! I'd love to cheer you on next month :)

Autumn is a time for change; we face our fears, let go of disappointments, celebrate the things and people that give us joy and then enter a new year completely unburdened by all the mistakes and regrets from the year before. This is beautiful, creative, inspirational! Snuggle up with a good book and find peace knowing that a new beginning is right around the corner.
I'm ready for this season of change and growth. I'm ready to share all of it with you!
Happy Writing!
xoxo, Lauren. :)