A year or so ago I had the INCREDIBLE pleasure to work with Jenny Jones and help her to developmentally edit her novel: LIFE'S A POLYP WITH ZEKE & KATIE and now I get to announce that soon it will be published by Imaginewe LLC! It's such a huge accomplishment and for such a great cause that I couldn't help but share my excitement with all of you <3
Jenny is an incredible person, who not only wrote a children's book, but did it for a great cause. See, Jenny has a rare condition called F.A.P. and this children's book is about explaining this condition to children in a fun way that isn't so scary, and learning to handle the scary parts that come along with this diagnosis too. Like having to go through chemo or surgery or getting a colostomy bag. Here's a little more about Jenny:

Jenny Jones was diagnosed with the rare diseases Familial Adenomatous Polyposis and Short Bowel Syndrome as a child that continue to greatly impact her life. Through her experiences, she has dedicated her life to the rare disease and chronic illness community to empower others, raise awareness, and research funds.
Jenny knew at a young age she wanted to be in the medical field to provide care to others – only she didn’t expect the path she finally chose. Due to developing medical PTSD related to her health experiences with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (F.A.P.), she realized she would not be able to physically administer health care. Her medical PTSD experiences led her to discover a new passion – helping to empower others with chronic illness. Jenny has dedicated her professional and personal time to the rare disease and chronic illness communities by providing counseling, education, raising awareness, and research funds for the F.A.P. Research Fund, she started through NORD. Others may say not to let your chronic illness define you, but Jenny has been able to discover motivation and purpose through her rare diseases.
You can find out more about Jenny by going to these places:
I know what you're thinking, LAUREN YOU'RE BURYING THE LEAD! And I really kind of am, *hides eyes* sorry!! The best way you could support Jenny and her amazing cause is by pre-ordering her children's book and sharing the links to raise awareness and support for an incredibly kind and talented individual. Here's a little more about LIFE'S A POLYP WITH ZEKE AND KATIE:

After developing symptoms of colon cancer, Zeke discovers that he has a rare disease Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (F.A.P). He takes a trip to the hospital and meets Katie, who has the same disease! Zeke must be treated for his symptoms, illnesses, and all of the fuss that makes him feel mad and sad at the same time. With the help of doctors, his new friend, Katie, and his mom, Zeke learns how to face his feelings, and bounce back from his treatments and diagnosis through true friendship.