Ghost writing isn’t as scary as it sounds! (Pun definitely intended) I’ve ghost written everything from articles, blog posts, business proposals, and even memoirs. Ghost writing is a good way to get your story out if you don’t feel that you have the technical skill to write it. Or to make sure your latest project is professional, refined, and on time. Let me help research, write, and edit whatever it is that you need help with!
Because ghost writing can take on many forms and functions, I cannot provide pricing details until I get more information from you. Please use the contact form below to provide project details and I will be in touch to give you a custom price quote. 50% of the total will be due to reserve a spot on my schedule, the other 50% will be due upon completion.
**I reserve the right to refuse any project based on personal preference, or time constraint. Please provide due date/deadline in the form below.